Twilight Saga Wiki

About me

Okay, about me? That's difficult. My name? It's Malena Sandim, and I know it is kind of weird, but unfortunately, that's all my parents' fault, anyway. I'm Brazilian, but I don't live in Rio de Janeiro (even though I had been there a countable times). I hate hot places, I think that's why I don't like my city at all (and it includes the coast and beaches). I'm 16, and I love reading (it is one of my hobbies). English isn't my first language, but I still try to improve my learning skills (I'm kind of autodidact - I mean, in English) and my knowledge. I can hardly speak Spanish, and if you ask me, Portuguese is really far from Spanish, mainly in our pronunciation.

My favorite book is City of Ashes, from Mortal Instruments Trilogy (by Cassandra Clare), but Twilight is one of my favorites too. And I think that's all I can say about me.

Favorite Quotes

"I'm the blood you might need; In your car when you speed; In that cigarettte you breathe; You can't get rid of me" (Alexz Johnson — That Girl)

"You can never get away from the past, wherever you go" (Gillian Shields)

"Where there is love, there is often also hate. They can exist side by side." (Cassandra Clare)

Where you can find me
